
Summary Of ' The Town Of Holcomb '

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The town of Holcomb is a small town located in west Kansas, seventy miles east of the Colorado border. A prosperous farmer, Herb Clutter, owns River Valley Farm; and, is well-known in the town. He has no known enemies, as he is liked by most, but the day of November 14, 1959 will be his last. He carries out a normal day unaware of this, and starts his day of work. Nancy Clutter, the sixteen year old daughter of Herb Clutter, is awaken by a phone call. This call is from a local woman, Mrs. Katz, who 's daughter wishes Nancy would teach her how to make a cherry pie. Nancy, after all, was the blue ribbon winner and cherry pie competition winner. Nancy is a very busy girl, and will be overbooked with the addition of this task to her daily agenda. She already had to help a neighbor with a trumpet solo, promised her mother she’d run errands for her, and attend a 4-H meeting in neighboring Garden City. But, after a quick rearrangement she makes time. Nancy had a steady boyfriend, Bobby Rupp, in which her father liked, but he wished they’d slowly cut things off to avoid the eventual heartbreak. Susan (Sue) Kidwell, Nancy’s best friend, calls later and they discuss Nancy’s night out on the previous night. She had gone out late with Bobby after her performance in Tom Sawyer. Nancy finishes teaching Jolene Katz how to make a cherry pie, and promises her that she made it all herself. Nancy denies having a piece as she realizes she has other events to get to. Nancy leaves Jolene

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