
Summary Of The Trump Administration Repealing Obama's Global Warming Policy

Decent Essays

It is exceedingly difficult for newspapers to avoid biases in their articles, especially when politics is involved. This statement can be applied to a multitude of situations, as most people are already influenced or have inclinations to certain principles. Whether you read The New York Times or CNN, you are bound to detect some form of bias in an article. Three articles which discuss the Trump administration repealing Obama’s Clean Power Plan were chosen for this analysis. The articles are from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN. Out of the three articles, The Washington Post is the least biased due to its strong ethos, ample evidence, and minimal use of logical fallacies. Before analyzing the least biased article, it only …show more content…

Pruitt to dismantle the rules” (Friedman 2). Friedman also states “Mr. Trump appeared to claim he has already done so, telling a crowd in Alabama: “Did you see what I did to that? Boom, gone” (2). There is no explanation of where any of these quotes were taken from or from what event they were stated at. Although there is obviously a very left bias, the ethos presented in it is appropriate. The author of the article, Lisa Friedman, is a reporter who focuses on climate and environmental policy. She has covered eight international climate talks. This information is critical when establishing Friedman’s ethos as it depicts her vast knowledge on the topic and how she is fit to discuss the matter through her experience. This next article, by CNN, is the second most biased. The article titled “EPA to Propose Repealing Obama Era-Rule on Greenhouse Gas Emissions” once again discusses how the Trump administration, especially the EPA, is proposing to repeal Obama’s policy. This article goes into a much more in depth explanation of Obama’s policy and the new proposal. It is explained that “The text of the proposal says it is the outcome of President Donald Trump’s executive orders calling for the review of the Clean Power Plan and questions the legality of the original rule” (Green and Marsh 1). The Clean Power Plan is also given a good description, as it is

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