
Summary Of ' The Veldt '

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The Veldt Wendy and I sat quiet anticipation in the family helicopter as we rode back home from the plastic carnival, occasionally speaking lowly about the nursery. Not too long ago Father had tried to lock us out of the nursery for no good reason, but was thankfully was stopped by Wendy and I; the nursery was thankfully unlocked once again. Father is a terrible man and Mother is no better. Truth be told they are more of a nuisance. With the Happylife home there was truly no use for them. In fact to me there really isn’t a use for anyone with the Happylife home aside from perhaps my sister; however, even she is not truly needed. Humans were terrible and I would much rather associate with the lions of the Savannah. I feel as if I understand them better: their animalistic instincts and pack mentality more appealing to me than the evils of humanity. Oh yes, the lions and I are one and the same. As Wendy and I enter the house, we--unfortunately-- spot Mother and Father. Listening into their conversation a bit, I am horrified to discover that they are talking about the nursery again. It seems they realized the fascination with the horrifically beautiful plains of Africa that their children posses. Mother and Father seem very unnecessarily troubled by this, although I can’t imagine why. Perhaps it is because they have nothing else to do but worry-- humans are stupid like that. “Hello Mom. Hello Dad,” Wendy and I greet them cooly. Our parents swiftly turn to greet us, telling us

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