
Summary Of The World As An Object Lesson By Tom Gunning

Decent Essays

The works of Tom Gunning, The world as an object lesson, aims to explore the connection between space and how in fact is defined in world fairs. The reading makes the connection between fairs and how it represents society and how we the world around us. The readings purpose is to get the reader to think about how space can make us see our reality. Space is defined in world fairs, As Tom Gunning argues, acts as an ‘object lesson’, meaning that teaching us and can be argued shape how we act in society, and predominately shape how we view society.It wants to bring in ‘practically the whole world…and a time saving educational experience’ into the fair (Cunning,1994). As an example, Mr.Cunning uses the example of fairs and amusement parks and …show more content…

While in fact, while a profound and extensive understanding of the modern world and man’s provided the purpose for a visit to the fair, the initial insight often produced neither knowledge nor insight, but dazzlement and sensory overload. In essence, meaning that because there are such a variety of things to see at these world fair’s and amusement parks, the brain cannot physically comprehend all that they are seeing, and supposed to be learning, and taking in. Also in particular supposed to be learning something from what they are seeing. Occasionally this dazzlement was literal caused by the bright lights, which as talked about above shows the advancement of man and technology. Furthermore, the experience could produce an excessive experience which risked no impression at all, other than that of the perception, as the saying goes the eye of the beholder. Further no lesson, but confusion and overload. Even though the dazzlement, the immense, variety and intense visuality, it served as a proper framework in which to experience the wonders of new technology, which promised massive transformations in daily life, and how society views

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