
Summary Of Walter Dean Myers's 'Monster'

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In the book Monster written by Walter Dean Myers the main character Steve Harmon is guilty for the trial for the murder of Mr. Nesbitt. The book starts with Steve Harmon and criminals that Steve was hanging with these criminals include James King, Richard Evans, and Osvaldo Cruz. The plan was that Steve and Cruz were the lookouts Steve was to go in and see if cops were in there and Cruz was to make sure no cops walk in. James King and Richard Evans were to go in but in the end James King shot and killed the well respected Mr Nesbitt. The reasons why Steve Harmon is guilty is because he questioned his innocence and Mrs. O’Brien was flipping the cup to get Steve Harmon to rearrange his story of what happened that day. The main reason many readers believe Steve Harmon is guilty is because near the end of the book he starts to question his innocence. Steve states,“I want to look at myself a thousand times to look for one true image.” (280-281) This is important because if a person knows he or she is innocent without a doubt then why would he or she have to relook over himself or herself about the …show more content…

O´Brien took Steve to another room and they practiced his responses. While Mrs. O'Brien flipped a water bottle to make rearrange his story, so he sounded innocent. If a person is innocent then that person does not have to try and say the right thing they tell the truth about it because he or she did not do anything wrong and they are truly not innocent. When Steve was on the stand answering the questions carefully he went back in his mind to when mrs. O´Brien is flipping the bottle and starts to flip the bottle. For example when Mrs. Petrocelli asked him a question he started to think about Mrs. O'Brien flip the bottle and Steve then states ¨I don't know exactly when the robbery happened, but I know I wasn't at the drugstore that day.¨

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