
Summary Of Walter Dean Myers's Monster

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Steve Harmon is the main character in Walter Dean Myers’ Monster. Monster is a novel that follows Steve through his experience in jail and his experience on trial for a crime he feels he did not commit. Steve is the narrator, as the story is written in 1st person and is told from his point of view. Steve is on trial for Felony Murder because he was involved with the robbery of a drugstore that resulted in the murder of the owner, Aguinaldo Nesbitt. Now Steve must go on trial and fight for the opportunity to spend the rest of his youth free. In the end, Steve is found Not Guilty and is allowed to resume his life outside of prison. The jury was correct in finding Steve Not Guilty of felony murder. However, Steve was still involved in the robbery and was there by choice. The jury failed to realize that even though he didn’t kill Nesbitt, he was still involved and did assist in the robbery. Even though this was proven to be true, Steve was still released. He has successfully gotten away with his crime and that should not have happened. He didn’t kill Nesbitt but that does not mean he’s free from any wrongdoing. …show more content…

Should the jury have found Steve Guilty, he would’ve been thrown in jail for Felony Murder, which it is proven he did not do. Although Steve was found Not Guilty, it was a mistake in the judicial system to let him off completely when he DID play a role in the robbery. It was shown that Steve was, in fact, lookout for those involved with the murder of Nesbitt. He made the conscious decision to aid in the stick-up and only realized the error of his ways when he was arrested and taken to court. It’s an amazing stroke of luck that Steve was completely

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