
Summary On Women 's Decline

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Chapter 8 Summary of Women’s Decline as Clergy Due to the Early Church Fathers "God has ordained female pastors from eternity past. That part is not a problem for God. The problem is with us, with the church. We are slow in binding and loosing on earth what God has already bound and loosed in heaven” (Mat 16:19; 18:18; Dr. Martin Hanna). At the Council of Nicaea, 325, bishops were given power of veto over who could become bishops in their respective areas. This in turn accelerated the concentration of their authority.98 By 354, the church fathers appear to take on a duel personality when it came to women serving in the church. On one side, women were inferior if they were married. On the other side, unmarried women (virgins) could possess autonomy and equality with men. However, this only pertained to spiritual equality and did not carry over to social structure.21 Under the rule of Constantine the Great, increased centralization of religious authority expanded the wealth and prestige of the men who administrated cleric authority.99 In addition, the emperor’s authority became involved in the development of the church and resulted in the church being involved in high political decisions. This action furthered the influence of the of the emperor over the election of bishops and church policy. These developments placed church officials in the position of having to compete for the emperor’s favor.99 It was decided at the Council of Laodicea, 354, that female

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