
Summary: Pumpless Extracorporeal Lung Assist

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Pumpless Extracorporeal Lung Assist is a technology that was developed to treat patients with ARDS. PECLA is an alternative to ECMO, and was developed for adults. It is different from ECMO because it relies on the pressure created by the heart of the patient to move the blood through the cannulas. The same membrane used in the filters of ECMO are used in PECLA. The device is small and one patient use only. The PECLA can be hooked up to an oxygen flow of 1-12 L/minute, and the ARDS patients were mechanically ventilated using lung protective strategies. As the oxygenation levels improve, the patients can be weaned from the device by lowering the oxygen flow.
Without the pump, PECLA avoids causing injuries to the blood vessels and allows

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