
Summary: Should Scotland Bring Back The Death Penalty

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Should Scotland bring back the death penalty? The Death Penalty The death penalty is procedure conducted by the government by which a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. The crimes that can sometimes carry the death sentence in places like the US are war crimes, treason, murder, crimes against humanity, espionage and genocide. 103 countries as of today have fully removed the death penalty except for special crimes e.g. War crimes. Although this is a step in the right direction (for most people) 56 countries are known to perform the death penalty. In Scotland the last known person to be executed was Henry Burnett for the murder of merchant seaman Thomas Guyan in 1963. The execution was carried out by hanging. The death penalty was later abolished in 1965, this also occurred in the rest of the UK except Northern Ireland in which it was abolished in 1973. The American Baptist Church’s View on the Death Penalty The American Baptist Church believes that; They have an obligation to make sure that “evil is overcome with good”. They find the death penalty immoral for people that soon after proven innocent. Furthermore the group find it outrageous that richer people are able to squeeze their way out of the death penalty because of their higher status and number of assets. They also find it unforgiveable that half of …show more content…

The Assemblies of God’s views are varied on the death penalty. However most people who do identify with this organisation are in favour of the punishment. This (to them) comes from the Old Testament as in it, it endorses the death penalty. This is shown in the book of Genesis “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man" (Genesis 9:6). The reason they want to bring back the death penalty is because they think I will deter criminals and may reverse the intensifying amount of crimes and therefore make the world a safer

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