
Summary: Substance Abuse In Canada

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In the city of Toronto drugs and alcohol recovery continues to be a major problem. The number of drug users in the city continues to soar. Drugs and alcohol control the city and thousands of Torontonians struggle with this diseases with little to no chance of recovery. Many are left with no food or homes because they don’t have enough money to make rent or to go shopping. This problem is crippling our economy and creating poor environments for youths. Addicts are staying addicts and our jails keep filling up because police aren’t addressing the real problem. Misinformation and preconceptions clog our view of the right path. Scare tactics and disproved science make us live in the past. The truth is the substance abuse issue persists due to …show more content…

There has shown no decline since 2012 in use of the six illicit drugs (cannabis, cocaine or crack, speed, ecstasy, hallucinogens or heroin) as well as no decline in the five illicit drugs (cocaine or crack, speed, ecstasy, hallucinogens or heroin) (“Summary of results for 2013 CTADS”). We aren’t preventing and recovering fast enough, and just as many people how are recovering are starting to use. 23% of youths 15-19 and 27% of young adults 20-24 are users of illicit drugs (“Summary of results for 2013 CTADS”). This means that there is a high amount of youths that are taking drugs. Along with the drug problem in Canada, we also have a major problem with alcohol. 76% of Canadians report using alcohol in the past year (“Summary of results for 2013 CTADS”). 60% of youths aged 15-19 and 83% of young adults aged 20-24 have reported alcohol use(“Summary of results for 2013 CTADS”). Teen are using drugs and alcohol from a young age giving them a high chance to become alcohol dependent from a younger age. Showing drugs and alcohol abuse is a major problem in Canada among the younger …show more content…

Police can arrest them for months if caught with narcotics (“6.2 Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Particular Drug Offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act”). This is due to Canada’s hard on drug policy. People shouldn’t get arrested for being addicted to drugs, they need to be getting help, but prisons continue to fill up with drug addicts. And If they are interested in getting help, prisons have poor treatment for addicts. The legal system need to understand that drug addiction is a chronic disease (“DrugFacts—Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction”). The constant monitoring and therapy needed is just not in jail cells (“DrugFacts—Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction”). People need a safe place with safe drugs and safe needles to help them recover not prison time. Canada has legalized heroins key ingredient to help addicted get treatment (“In Legalizing Prescription Heroin, Canada Supports Ethical, Evidence-Based Medical Care”). This is due to transitional recovery having a very high chance of recovery and the cost of this kind of treatment costs far less than prison (“In Legalizing Prescription Heroin, Canada Supports Ethical, Evidence-Based Medical Care”). Furthermore, Canada is starting the process of legalizing recreational cannabis due to it being non-addictive and a great way for the government to make money (“Legal pot taxes could add $5B a year to government coffers, CIBC says”). It has

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