
Summary: The Dumbest Generation

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English professor Mark Bauerlein claimed in the book, The Dumbest Generation. That the outcome of technology benefits for the children did not show up. According to the “2007 Pew” survey on “What Americans Know: 1989 - 2007”. There were higher percentages of younger generation who obtain little knowledge with the existence of technology while there is lower percentages of older generation who does not have technology support.

Eighteen years old teens may have devices like an adult, may have accepted into a college and getting ready to start a new life. But if they were to be asked a few intelligent questions, they actually do not know anything(Bauerlein).

An American writer, Nicholas Carr, believed the internet took away human’s ability …show more content…

We know so little about the basic history and knowledge of our own country. Some of us don’t even care or thought about the significance of how our our country have became the country we serve today(Simpson).

Knowing the basic history of what your career you are pursuing should be natural. Half of the candidates only can answer questions with basic information. Many other can’t answer or heard of it at all(Simpson).

Dr. Jim Taylor at University of San Francisco. Stated in Psychology Today magazine that internet are constantly shaping how children think. Internet is a extreme rapid pace, we have no supports from the history nor time to stop and think the effect of the advanced technology have brought and the impact on children.

Compared to past generation, technology is so rapidly exposed to the young children, it has gradually changed children’s thoughts and mind. It might even have shaped their brain a different way then it’s supposed to be(Taylor).

Technology has taken away children’s ability to focus continuously, the space to be creative, and restrained their memory. While compared to the advanced entertainment, the dull past generation children enjoyed activities that developed their patience, time management, creativity, and better memorization. The internet have created a total different environment that don’t require the children to put any effort in

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