
Summary: The Medicis

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During the Renaissance Era, the Medicis brewed a riveting mix of luxury, patronage, and financial gridlock. Systematically, they acquired prominence in finance, but not without the clout of papist and political entanglement. Their church ties further amplified their grip on society, easing the effortless, oppressive means by which they showered debt upon the masses. As this book will discuss, this Italian banking family transcended the world of finance, but rather, extended their hands into a life of political dynasty. Their ascension to power coincided with devastation of the European population, following the black plague. This, in accordance with widespread mayhem, birthed in place the systems, stability, and advancement from which the Medicis …show more content…

The Medicis did not provoke the Golden Age, but rather, they occupied a historical era that proceeded after many advancements and ruins. Hence, they reaped the innovations that were previously invented with a brutal composite of bloodshed, plagues, war, and disorder (pre-Renaissance era). They themselves did not construct the ideological framework and system of banking itself. Rather, they profited from this system. Hence, their power drew upon a system in which Italy retained a monopolistic power over European resources. For example, they gleaned the inventions of double-entry bookkeeping, deposit accounts, and letters of credit (Parks 6). Therefore, their timely rise to power proceeded the tumult that slowly constructed the stable and orderly republic in which they resided. In addition to surfacing after these pivotal milestones, they extended a prior existing legacy of banking. Thus, the Medici bank signaled the unsavory transition from the Medieval Times to the Modern world. As expressed, they were not a causative force, necessarily in this epoch in history. Thy simply arose at an opportune time following the chaos of the previous era. Undoubtedly, they ushered in systems of lending, and other practices, as extensions as prior existing practices. However, more so than this, what they embodied was symbolic of the avenues of power, their dynamic …show more content…

There was a time in which this family operated their banks with the aid of management (Parks 181). The grandfather, Cosimo, facilitated this arrangement (Parks 154). Constructing a managerial structure prevented the family from capitalizing on their banking branches. One might think this would stop the prospect of financial corruption. However, this dynamic evolved, as the younger generations employed their political understanding, and their search for power. Lorenzo Medici was hailed his adoration for poetry, his overt preference for aristocratic lifestyles, and his shameless longing for political power (Parks 189). Internally, their financial structure was lacking a morality, ethical structure, and a stable operational system. Lacking the consistency that a more modern bank now has, the Medici Bank fell to giving into bribes and exchanging for political favors which ultimately drove the bank into the

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