
Summary: The Shortage Of Nurse Leaders

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In the area of nursing administration, an article by Schuettner, Van Shell, and Sheriff (2015), is aimed at promoting a minimum of graduate level degree for nurse administrators in order to better prepare them for leadership roles. The authors indicate that a shortage of nursing leaders is expected by the year 2020 due to a majority of qualified leaders retiring. Accordingly, this will create the need for competent nurse leaders to alleviate the deficiencies. Mandating a graduate level education for future nurse leaders, will influence their ability to be more effective in the administrative role (Schuettner, Van Shell, & Sheriff, 2015). This article depicts the urgency and need of professionally trained and educated nurse administrators to meet the future demand created by the retiring professionals. …show more content…

His aim was to identify factors that would assist in increasing the number of nurse educators to ameliorate the impending shortage related to the aging and or retiring faculty. My “aha” moment, was when I realized how this area of practice truly influences all other areas of practice. Without nurse educators, as Evans (2018) suggests, the number of qualified nurses, nurse administrators, and advanced practice nurses will face shortages. This study demonstrates the need for future nurse educators; hence, how a shortage would have potential negative effects on all other areas of

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