
Summary and Critique

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Paul S. Martin, Twilight of the Mammoths: Ice Age Extinctions and the Rewilding of America, University of California Press, 2005, Prologue and Chapter 2
The overkill hypothesis stresses the fact that people were the main technicians behind the late pleistocene extinction of fauna in Northern Eurasia and North and South America. Paul Martin of the University of Arizona and others see a subsequent and spontaneous connection between the presence of people and the vanishing of numerous species of large mammals. According to the overkill hypothesis, the spread of humanity correlates to the extinction of mammals at the same precise location they migrated to. The humans got to be big game …show more content…

The probability regarding the whole idea of climatic change as a main thrust in the ancient extinctions may have been false. The extinctions of the late Pleistocene happened moderately quickly, inside of a couple of thousand years. Moreover, there are not very many kill sites in the archaeological record correlating humans to the lost fauna. Blitzkrieg is a unique instance of faunal overkill that magnifies speed and intensity of human impact and minimizes time of overlap between the primary human intruder and the vanishing of local fauna.
"The blitzkrieg model explains the lack of kill sites by reasoning that the extinction of these animals occurred too rapidly to have left much, if any, evidence. Therefore, the uniqueness of Homo sapiens in the New World and Australia, coupled with the lack of kill sites in the archaeological record, can be taken as evidence of blitzkrieg human overkill causing the late Pleistocene extinctions." (Gibbons Robin)
The overkill thesis may be after all a bogus clarification of the late pleistocene extinction with humans as the main driving force behind it, namely due to excessive over-hunting. Two things which may go against Martin’s idea of overkill is the assumption that the animals too small or environmentally

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