
Summary of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Essay

Decent Essays

The Jungle

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is about a Lithuanian family living in Chicago in the 1900’s. They had faith in the American dream, hoping to start a new and successful life. Unfortunately they were deprived of they hopes and dreams. They were placed in the middle of a society where only the strongest and richest survived. The rich keep getting richer and the poor get even poorer. Jurgis and his family went to extreme lengths just in hopes of finding a job, they were forced to travel in heavy rain, strong winds, and thick snow, even when they were sick, in fear of losing their jobs. The Jungle pointed out many flaws in society such as filthy meat and sickening work conditions. When Jurgis and his family arrived in Chicago …show more content…

“Jurgis talked lightly about work, because he was young…he was the sort of man the bosses like to get hold of…” (page 26) He found it easy to beat hundreds of men for a job. After Jurgis got sick he lost his job, strength and youth. He no longer found it easy to find a job. After that everything went downhill. “Grief, despair, rage overwhelmed him” (page 176) Without a job, Jurgis wasn’t making money, this made everything a lot harder on the family. After being blacklisted, and losing his wife and son Jurgis gives up. He takes off to look for work in other parts of Chicago. Every time Jurgis makes a few dollars he spends it on beer and gets drunk, he starts to turn into another one of the homeless drunks he sees on the side of the road. Jurgis meets a young man, that happens to be very rich and very drunk, he gives Jurgis a $100 bill. He ends up losing it at a bar when the bartender only gives him 95 cents back. The Judge unsurprisingly believes the bartender over Jurgis, and he is back to be poor and roaming the streets again. While Jurgis is roaming Chicago in hopes of finding a job, despite looking weak and old he keeps searching. One farmer offers him a job, and when Jurgis asks him whether or not he can have the job in the winter, the farmer tells him no. upset, Jurgis leaves. He finds it surprising and upsetting that he can only find a seasonal job in the middle of nowhere. In The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, Jurgis learns that

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