
Sun Day Monologues

Satisfactory Essays

Hello Diana, sorry I missed your comment on sunday, I wasn't following the posts as I should have been, I'm not much better, I just didn't want to miss another show. I saw the podiatrist on Monday and she said my toes aren't healing as they should, so I have just started a new course of antibiotics, but this time I have got liquid instead of capsules, it's supposed to be pineapple flavour, but it's the foulest pineapple I've ever tasted. Today I had to go back to get a nurse to put another dressing on, the podiatrist on Monday put so much bandage around it I couldn't get any shoes on, some of them just don't think. My toes are so sore all the time, it's never ending. I think the sunday show is dying, there are fewer and fewer people on here,

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