
Sun Tzu Theory In The Horn Of Africa

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Sun Tzu’s Theory in the Horn of Africa’s Security Challenge
The greater Horn of Africa (HoA) is the sub region of the Eastern part of Africa that composed of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda. Threats to peace and security are interconnected and comprised various human insecurities that emanate from both intrastate and interstate conflict, and transnational security threats such as terrorism. This is because political, social, and security problems in the region further threaten development efforts and complicate interventions to alleviate, the various related challenges of the region. Mainly, Terrorism has been a source of serious security challenge to the Horn of Africa peace and development process. As terrorism is the main security challenge of the Horn of Africa region, Sun Tzu’s theory is relevant in the war with terrorist organizations operated in the greater Horn of Africa. For these countries’ could helpful in curbing the terrorist threat, if they examine Sun Tzu’s theory offensive strategy according to the existing context of the terrorist threat. The offensive strategy first should focus on attacking the terrorist’s strategy, and then their allies because the main strength of the terrorist is the strategy they follow. Giving priority on attacking the terrorist’s strategy would eliminate fertile ground for terrorist organizations motive. Therefore, this paper will evaluate, and analyze Sun Tzu’s theory such

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