
Sunset 11 Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Do you hate waking up with no coffee? Do you hate the honking of cars in the neighborhood? Do you hate cleaning your house and carrying groceries into your kitchen? Well, then come to Sunset Towers! Where we got all the good things you need. Just read and you will see how Sunset Towers, is a place you can live in! Sunset Towers has 5 floors of apartments. Some of them have a great view of the mountains! Also now you don't need to hear all of that honking of cars because it is really quiet up here in Sunset Towers! You’ll also have neighbors that won't be a pain for your ears, so then you can sleep like a baby. That's all I have to talk about for the apartments. Now it’s time to talk about what business we have here at Sunset Towers. We have coffee shop in the lobby, ready to be served. So you won't have to wait to make your coffee and be ready for the day. We also have a restaurant on the 5th floor. They serve Chinese food and some good noodles too! And that’s all for the businesses here at Sunset Towers! …show more content…

At 2C we have F. Baumbach. At 2D we have Theodorakis. At 3C, S. Pulaski. At 3D, Wexler. 4C, we have James Hoo. 4D last but not least J.J Ford! And that’s the people of Sunset Towers. They are all nice people to get along with, and we also have room service to help clean your room and even carry your groceries to your room so you don't have to worry about trying to open your door with your hand full. Do you hate waking up with no coffee? Do you hate the honking of cars in the neighborhood? Do you hate cleaning your house and carrying in groceries? Well then come to Sunset Towers, because we can take care of all your problems, so you can live a normal happy life here and worry about

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