
Super Bent Research Paper

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Coffee is a Drug and Bent Spoons are a Conflict Have you ever experienced a moment where you wake up and literally all of your spoons are bent? I don’t mean one, I mean every single one of your spoons are super bent. Every spoon is bent at a 90 degree angle. They’re metal spoons, so it must have been something the size of a pine tree that bent them. Additionally, their 90 degree angle bend must mean they were bent by some robot, perhaps under orders from a puppy cartel on the sun who ordered for the illegal immigration of pine trees over the Swiss border, for some reason, using your spoons. The operative had to be someone with empathy towards the plants, but skill, and a cool, collected attitude. It had to have been a plant robot. Who could …show more content…

That moment you realize the plant robot is the person helping you raise the child and you want to punch Fitzrama and hug the plant robot but you don’t do either one because you need oxygen. “Geneva, why are you a plant robot?” The robot dramatically transforms into an enchilada and you run out of oxygen. You wake up and realize it was all a dream and you’re still on earth, but when you look to your side, there’s a bent spoon, then you look down and see you’re still a moth, and when you look outside, the plant robot, Fitzrama, and Bob are all standing in the yard. That moment you just scream,“why is the plant robot actually Geneva?” and get an answer other than an enchilada floating in space like, “this isn’t dysfunctional at all.” “Blame the puppy cartel on the sun,” Bob says, “shut up Bob what do you know,” you said, cause Bob really didn’t know anything because he’s a

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