
Superheroes And The Mythological Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Superheroes and the Mythological characters in stories inspire us to be our better selves …. (In many ways). (Because of their heroism and courageous acts) . One way they inspire us is They are courteous in all situations. The first text evidence I have to support my answer came out of “Into the maze of Doom” “” … Theseus leaps onto the beast back slicing off one of its horns with the sword. The minotaur shakes off turns and charges again Theseus stands his ground and plunges the horn into the monster's chest.” Another text evidence I have to support my answer is a text evidence from “What’s With These Guys?” Super man goes on and fights evil with his team now he does not have to fight he can chicken out and not fight at all , but he's gorgeous and he goes and …show more content…

The text evidence I have to show my explanation is from Into the Maze of Doom .“With his head down,one horn cutting Theseus leg. Theseus leaps onto the beast back, slicing off one of its horns with the sword. … The minatore shakes of theseus and charges again theseus sands his ground and punching the horn into the monster's chest. “ The last piece of evidence I have for this came out of What's with these guys? “”When we watch captain america stand up to the corrupt leader, we feel like maybe we can find the courage to stand up to that kid school bullying your best friend.” My fourth reason why is They help you in situations that aren't always the best My first piece of evidence I have to show for this is from into the maze of Doom. … I'm not going to die the beast is. Be warned the best can be killed only by its own horn.”” in order to kill him he needs to take one of the horns and stick it in the beast. My last piece of evidence is …”” what a relief it must have been to read about superman, who fought the forces of evil and always

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