
Supernova Research Paper

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A supernova is a stellar explosion that happens in the galaxy. This can have as much energy as our Sun or any regular star. These can be seen throughout the entire galaxy, but it is hard for us to see because of the amount of dust that covers it blocks our view. Johannes Kepler was the last person to observe the last Supernova in our Milky Way galaxy. He discovered that phenomenon in the year 1604. A supernova is created when there is a change in a core or center of a star. There are only two ways that a change can happen in a star. The first way it can change happens in binary star systems. Those are two stars that orbit at the same point. A carbon-oxygen white dwarf takes away matter from another star. Subsequently the white dwarf will …show more content…

When the star actually starts to run out of nuclear fuel some of the mass flows into the star's core. When the core becomes too heavy it cannot take its own gravitational force. Which causes the core to collapse, and as it collapses it results in a giant supernova. Many people worry that the sun will become into a supernova. That has no chance of happening because the sun does not have enough mass to become a supernova. Supernovas are very interesting things that happen in our universe. Even though they can only burn for a short period of time, it has the potential to tell scientists a lot about what is going on. There is a specific form of supernovas that has shown scientists that we all live in a universe that keeps expanding. Which means the universe is growing at an increasing rate. Many scientists however believe that supernovas have a huge role in distributing elements throughout the entire universe. As the star begins to explode it shoots debris and elements all over space. The elements that we find here on Earth are created in the core of the star. As these elements move onto different parts of the universe it helps form new planets and

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