
Essay about Survey of Marijuna Usage at Texas Christian University

Satisfactory Essays

Marijuana usage when discussed brings about debate and division no matter the forum. This is a topic that many individuals feel either one or the other about. Very few feelings can be described as “Middle of the Road”. As students at Texas Christian University we felt that in the time we were in attendance no one had tried to measure how students felt and view Marijuana. This information could be used by organizations such as NORML; it could help them decide whether or not pursuing a NORML chapter on TCU’s campus would be worthwhile. NORML is a marijuana advocacy group that is working to “move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana”. Our study tries to determine what people know and what people think …show more content…

Although few relevant surveys of practice patterns exist, it appears that physicians caring for cancer patients in the United States who recommend medicinal Cannabis predominantly do so for symptom management.
On the other hand there are those who believe marijuana is detrimental to the health of those who use it. The National Institute on Drug Abuse for believes that marijuana use has many long- and short-term implications. These implications include increased heart rate during use, respiratory issues including a possibility heightened lung infections and frequent chest illness, and finally long time use can lead to mental illness. Finally there are what legal alternatives to marijuana use. Some people view these alternative as not as harmful towards physical or mental health and assume that because they are legal they of course are better. Despite these beliefs many other feel these drugs are much more harmful than their illegal counterparts. In accordance with the AAPCC, American Association of Poison Control Centers, these substances that go by many different names including “Spice,” “K2,” “Sence,” “Skunk,” and many others are known to cause vomiting, hallucinations, and elevated blood pressure. In recent years though, these “legal alternatives” have gained similar ratings and punishments to that of their illegal

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