
Survivor Car Preserving Case Study

Decent Essays

Classic car owners face a lot of tough decisions. As an example, should they restore an automobile or leave it in original condition. With the rising value of preservation class vehicles, these decisions become critical. A 200-year-old silver plate is worth more in original condition. In fact, it's respected for the gentle signs of aging.

Now many believe the same rules should apply to vintage cars. Here we'll walk through the differences between a barn find and a survivor. I'll also provide my thoughts about restoring, preserving and [retro modifying vintage automobiles].

What is a Preservation Class Car

A [preservation class car] is sometimes referred to as a survivor. These automobiles are original and untouched since the day it rolled …show more content…

Still, maintaining the functional mechanical operation is just as important. These automobiles must complete a 20 mile journey before judging begins. The road test is daunting for these older automobiles. Judges often apply leniency for safety items such as tires and brakes. However, when upgrading these items owners use reproduction parts close to the original equipment.

Barn Find or a Survivor Car

Any car discovered inside a storage facility, garage or barn is a barn find. Just because it lived in covered storage for twenty years doesn't make it a survivor car. They evaluate the automobiles on a case-by-case basis. Only a true survivor is eligible to enter a preservation class competition. Here are some examples.

If rodents ate the interior, the dashboard chopped to accept an aftermarket radio, the engine compartment dressed up with a Moroso chrome kit, then this is a barn find not a survivor car. Unfortunately, the classic automobile is only original one time. Once owners remove and replace items the car no longer becomes a preservation candidate. With that said, it can still enjoy popularity at car shows along with a sharp rise in value when

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