
Susan Moller Okin 's Justice, Gender And The Family

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Question 2
In her 1980 article, ‘Justice, Gender and the Family’ Susan Moller Okin addresses the causes of workplace discrimination and the economic disadvantages they create for women. Based on her diagnosis of the causes, she proposes legal measures to alleviate this inequality. Explain the causal arguments by which Okin locates the source of these economic disparities between the sexes in the nature of marriage, the family and the upbringing of girls in the US. 35 years later, the same economic disparities, including the wage gap and glass ceiling, still exist for American women, despite anti-discrimination laws and increasing numbers of women in the work place. In the confidence code, Kay and Shipman argue for a different set of causes to account for this ongoing inequality between the sexes and suggest a different type of solution to Okin’s. Explain and critically evaluate their causal arguments. Which side has the better causal arguments, Okin or Kay/Shipman? Based on the strength of the argument, should we try Okin’s solution to the problem of workplace inequality or take a different approach? Argue for your view on this issue. In this paper, I will demonstrate, with the use of examples, that the causal factors which keep women of our society from progressing nearly as much in their professions as men is that the labor distribution in the family household has not made any significant changes in past years. I argue that, in the long term, Kay and Shipman are

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