
Suspected Terrorists Have No Trial Essay

Decent Essays

Detaining Suspected Terrorists Without Trial
Captured and detained with no say or try to plead their way through the government suspecting them of terrorism. Not a way of a say for their future. Not knowing what they did wrong. Maybe they were a terrorist. Or maybe they were not. They were a suspected terrorist detained without a trial, a disgrace against human rights. Just imagine feeling less of a human than everyone else. No one, not even suspected terrorists should be detained without a trial because, trials are basic human rights, suspected terrorists have the right to be a human being also, it enforces stereotypes and prejudices against people and religions.
Suspected terrorists being forced to detainment without trial is against essential …show more content…

In the Sixth Amendment, it guarantees the rights of criminal defendants. Also, including the right to a public trial, the right to a lawyer, and the right to a jury. Everybody, including, terrorists should have a right to a jury, lawyer, and your accuser(s). Trials are a not an if, and, or but statement. Everyone deserves a trial.
Making the inference that people are terrorists based on religion and stereotypes. “Terrorism is not always linked to religion (Sterngrass 36).” Also, it is not always linked to race either. Making the inference that race or religion is a terrorist enforces the unnecessary stereotypes. Of course, detaining a person on a race and for just “looking suspicious” is not the way to find out if they are a terrorist. Enforcing stereotypes and detaining anyone for just being here and being rare is not proof and they should not suffer from detainment.
Detained without proof and not a trial to attend. Being inferred that you are a terrorist based on stereotypes. No proof. The basic of treating others as humans is to make others feel equal. Detaining is not the way to find out about potential terrorism. Don’t enforce stereotypes and especially don’t make anyone feel less of a

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