
Suspense In Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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A Surprise for Emily Suspense is what makes books addicting, authors make readers stay on their toes anxious of what might happen next. This story A Rose for Emily fools the reader with Emily Grierson’s actions by leading the reader to think one thing and surprising them with the other. When analyzing the works of many of great writers, people tend to ask themselves, “What makes the writer great?” Well, great writers are masterfully skilled in using many writing technique’s in order to hook the reader and keep them hooked. Willian Faulkner is no exception, as smoothly as a spider making a web. Suspense is not knowing what will happen next, yet still anticipating it, and Faulkner very elaborately creates suspense in his story by purposely …show more content…

He also uses her new boyfriend Homer Barron as a tool to trick the reader that she had found someone to marry so the townspeople thought, the townspeople loved Homer but her dad forbid Emily from having a relationship with a black man but she could care less. Homer soon revealed he was into guys, coming back from out of town a week later they had separated and suddenly Miss Emily had vanished from the streets for months, while the townspeople stalked her they only saw that the deliver’s a market basket at her house then fleas without the front door being open. The townspeople talked and repeatedly said “Poor Emily after a year of hearing that Emily goes out to buy arsenic but would not tell the clerk why she wanted it or was going to do with it. The townspeople said “She will kill herself” (Faulkner pg. 148). Making the readers think she is going to commit suicide because she felt she had no one due to the relationships she didn’t have with her community By this time Homer was done with his work that was to be done at Miss Emily’s house normally he packed up and left that evening however he returned mysteriously, “A neighbor saw the negro man admit that he him at the kitchen door at dusk one evening and claimed that was the last time seeing

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