
Suspension Bridge Research Paper

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Errrrr spack as the construction workers fall to their death. 11 people died while on the golden bridge working on the bridge. After all those deaths they later installed a net and many people were saved.There are many types of bridges like suspension,beam, truss and arch.So in this nonfiction essay you will know all about suspension,beam, truss and arch bridges. There are many types of bridges that are used for different things. This essay is about different bridges. A suspension bridge is usually a big bridge that stretches a long ways.The first model of a suspension bridge was built in the 1800s in and is used today. Suspension bridges have long cables that hold the bridge without piers. A suspension bridge is a very expensive Bridge because of the materials that it uses. A suspension …show more content…

An arch bridge has a slight Bend in the middle that makes itself sturdy. Most arch bridge is as old as rock itself.A beam bridge is made of many different things mostly steel and prestressed concrete.A beam bridge is the simplest and the oldest bridge ever created. The beam bridge is so simple all it consists of is a log or we can go more advanced with steel and concrete. The beam bridge may be easy and inexpensive to build but is not the sturdiest. The beam bridge is Not sturdy because of the lack of materials used and that it is square. A beam bridge is made for depending on the place, long or short distances.Truss Bridges at the beginning were made of wood and iron . Most bridges were made of stone but the the truss Bridge was made of wood and iron because it can withstand a lot of tension unlike stone. Now a days truss bridges are made of metal. The truss bridge is a very strong bridge.The truss bridge is strong but is very very expensive and hard to build. The truss on the truss bridge is made to keep the wind from blowing it over.The truss is also to keep the tension from

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