From the above conclusion, the researchers wanted to convey some suggestions related to the understanding of literary works, especially novels, and which became the subject of analysis in the novel The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, as follows
Due to relate directly to real life, as well as having important values contained therein are guiding the business to survive, it is very important literary works to be read and understood and analyzed properly.
For students who are majoring in English education, would be able to develop research on literature, particularly novels, so we appreciate and can be used as guidelines in analyzing another novel.
This novel by Suzanne Collins is a fiction novel that tells the story of the life of a teenage girl
When a novel is revealing, witty and whimsical it unlocks the hidden truths about literature as discussed in the book How To Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster. This book is written in second person so the reader can experience Foster’s personality that is directed towards them. A reader is given a fresh and clear perception on literature to understand what is being read. Foster clarifies the way writers uses symbols and themes. He believes by analyzing the deeper meaning in literature will help foster a better reader.
Beautiful imagery laced amidst a wondrous storyline, accompanied by memorable and lovable characters are all elements pertaining to enjoyable works of fiction. Tales that keep one up late into the night forever reading just “one more page” forever propelling the intrinsic imagination for a novel enthusiast. Yet, at times there are deeper meanings hidden between the lines. Symbols, analogies, and latent parallels all connecting to real life events and situations being portrayed by the author. Using literary theory can bring a more profound understanding of the reading material at hand, as well as unique insight as to what the author was feeling or intending to portray at the time of writing.
author wants the audience to think as a result of reading his text to overcome expectations, stereotypes,
What about literature entices individuals to read, and to pursue a further understanding of the writing material? Surprisingly, it lies in the fact that literature creates a solid connection between readers and relatable personal experiences. With literature, readers transcend their own physical lives, and for the duration of the story, experience someone else’s emotions, and realities, as if it were their own. One person known for discussing the importance of “human connection” (Llosa, 2001), is Mario Vargas Llosa, a famous Peruvian writer. He deems that in order for literature to gain substantiality and longevity, it must first create strong connections with its readers. In the three works Until Gwen, A&P, and Winter’s Bone, the primary goal of human connection as emphasized by Llosa is largely attained through experience.
Despite what several students think, analyzing literature is not summarizing the text nor the plot of a story. Yet, not many educators, so far, have discussed literary analysis thorough enough for students to understand. Thus, this results in an unpleasant score on their homeworks and class assignments, and leading to ignorance. Similar to critical thinking, analyzing literature means to closely focus on parts of the story, like the: plot, characters, settings, and events, to view how the author combines them to create a meaning or theme. Certain techniques are used to discover the author’s meaning and purpose of his or her writing.
The Hunger Games, a novel by Suzanne Collins, is the story of 16 years old, Katniss Everdeen, who fights to death for her district. The Hunger Games is an event hosted every year by the Capitol of Panem, where a randomly chosen boy and girl both need to represent each of the twelve districts that the capitol is composed of. When Katniss little sister, Prim, is chosen to be the representative for District twelve, Katniss volunteers to take her place and fight along her male counterpart, Peeta. The reason I choose this book for my book report is because Katniss is not your typical 16 year old girl. Not only is she her family’s provider but she’s also skillful, strong, rebellious, and unsentimental heroine. These are characteristics that society would mostly link to a 16 year old boy rather than a girl.
One Person can change everything Some readers may argue that one person cannot make a difference because they are just another person. As shown in the movie The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Harrison Bergeron there was information on a specific person and how they can make a big difference. So can one person really make a difference?
Economics is the study of scarcity within a systems of rules. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins’ can be translated into such, with hunger being scarcity and games being a system of rules. In the Hunger Games, we are introduced to a country called Panem. The country of Panem is divided into twelve different districts and the Capitol, where the government resides. Each district has their own different specializations and they have distinctive economies. The government regulates the trade and each district rely on trade from each other district and the Capitol for the goods they don 't produce. All of the districts and the Capitol is interdependent.
For now, I'll set aside considerations of why The Goal is a novel, how effective it is as a book, whether it succeeds as literature, and so on. This article is primarily about the ideas behind the book, and why some are valuable while others are probably quite useless.
As the era of literature slowly declines, the expert critiques and praise for literature are lost. Previously, novels were bursting at the seams with metaphors, symbolism, and themes. In current times, “novels” are simply short stories that have been elaborated on with basic plot elements that attempt to make the story more interesting. Instead of having expert critical analysis written about them, they will, most likely, never see that, as recent novels have nothing to analyze. Even books are beginning to collect dust, hidden away and forgotten, attributing to the rise of companies such as Spark Notes. An author deserves to have his work praised, no matter how meager and the masses should have the right to embrace it or to reject it. As
The book “The Hunger Games” was written by Suzanne Collins and it’s the first book out of the trilogy she has written. Collins uses a mixture of modern and classical as elements in this story and it allows for any age reader to enjoy it. Some the literary devices she uses in the book are setting, symbolism, and themes. It’s everything you could want in a book because it has a little bit of each genre, like action, romance, comedy, and even mystery. This book will have you sitting at the edge of your seat on minute and then grabbing for a tissue the next. When reading this book, “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins and looking at the setting, symbolism, and theme it’s easy to sense the different tones and emotions going on in the story.
Trust is well-defined to be as to having assurance, reliance or confidence in someone. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins takes place in the ruins of what use to be North America, which they call their land Panem. The Capitol consists of twelve districts and every year one male and one female “tribute” between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen to perform in an annual live event called Hunger Games. All participants must engage in a deathly battle and kill each other until one remains standing, achieving a great amount of fame and food. Sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem,
When speaking of mythology, the generally accepted idea is that one is referencing ancient or old stories. However, the archives of mythology are continually growing. Through new versions of older tales and new mythologies being created, modern civilization continues to add to the global mythology anthology. A popular trend in modern society is the adaption of older tales into modern “terms” to better suit the changing audience. From Jane Austin to Ovid, Homer to Shakespeare, the myths and stories of the past are continually reworked by modern authors and filmmakers.
The summary of the first four chapters in, “The Real World Reader”, was very informing. It was the desire to reach the reader and the writer and influence the person that is reading and a writer through different types of strategies of rhetorical reading and writing. Rhetorical literature is strategizing to create the best piece of literature for the reader through the steps of focusing on the writer’s plans and goals.
Collins has given masculine qualities to her female character and feminine qualities to her male character to reinforce the need of equality in the current world and the need for change in the restricted gender norms in the mindset of the people. The Hunger Games can be rendered as a feminist novel as it breaks the restrictions of gender roles and emphasizes the need for it in the present-day society. The Hunger Games depict how reality could be if there were not solid or strong gender norms and roles in the