
Sylvia Plath's "Lady Lazarus"

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Sylvia Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” There is no doubt that Sylvia Plath is definitely one of the most diverse controversial poets of our time. Sylvia Plath was born October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts and unfortunately passed away on February 11, 1963 in London, England due to her battle with suicide. The poem relates to her life and also her perspective of the world. As a matter of fact, critics often characterized her as “extreme,” due to the deep emotional issues that she would write about. As time has passed, Plath is often referred to as a “cult figure.” “Lady Lazarus” is one of Plath’s most popular works. To make it simple this poem is about death and her suicidal experiences. (Sanazaro) “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath is a very …show more content…

She makes sure to tell him that one day her “sour breath” will disappear one day. She refers to her deaths like it is a show for people to come and see her die. During her third death she seems to be performing for a crowd. After each death she speaks of a “peanut crunching crowd” that push in just to see her body uncovered and completely exposed. She then addresses the crowd, showing them that she remains the way that she was before, skin and bone. She relates herself again in the poem again to Holocaust victims, and visualizes that she is being burned to death in a concentration camp. While speaking about all of her deaths, she makes sure to remind the reader of her honor. Stanzas 19 through 26 shed light on Lady Lazarus’s victimization at the hands of “Herr Enemy” and “Herr Doktor,” who represent her father. Taking up the battle with the antagonist in the poem, she finishes by giving a warning to the man and demon that when she rises from the ashes, she eats men just like how fire does with oxygen. At the end of the poem, she resurrects herself once again, and “eat(s) men like air.” Her first death happens by accident at the age of ten. The second and third death was deliberate and never meant to return from it once it happened. Meanwhile, she was “shut as a seashell” until she was summoned to come back by people who then

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