
Symbolism In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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1. Flannery O’Connor is known and has been long criticized for her incorporation of religious symbolism into her short stories. In A Good Man is Hard to Find the dark and callous Misfit is said to portray, in a symbolic sense, a Christ-like character. However, while reading the short story we notice his denial of any powers beyond the observable realm and his hatred of Christ’s very existence, goes to show that the misfit is actually Anti-Christ. We come across religious symbolism often in A Good Man is Hard to Find; the grandmother frequently uses religion references when she is interacting with her family or the Misfit. One of the first uses of religious symbolism is the grandmothers speech to the Misfit, “Pray, pray’ the grandmother began, ‘pray, pray”, this demonstrates how the grandmother herself deals with conflict in her own life (O’Connor 383). …show more content…

In the short story while the grandmother is speaking to the Misfit about how he handles his diversity, she would tell him things like “That’s when you should have started to pray” which shows how incorporated religion is into the grandmothers life and behavior (O’Connor 383). The Misfit says many things that help support that he is ant-Christ, including “Jesus was the only One that ever raised the dead,’ the Misfit continued, ‘and he shouldn’t have done it. He thrown everything off balance.” (O’Connor 385). “She would have been a good woman,’ the Misfit said, ‘if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life”, “Some fun!’ Bobby Lee said.” “Shut up, Bobby Lee,’ the Misfit said. ‘It’s no real pleasure in life” O’Connor 385). Finally, to wrap up the story the Misfit is given the role of

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