
Symbolism In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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The phrase "a thousand splendid suns," from the poem by Saib-e-Tabrizi, is quoted twice in the novel - once as Laila's family prepares to leave Kabul, and again when she decides to return there from Pakistan. It is also echoed in one of the final lines: "Miriam is in Laila's own heart, where she shines with the bursting radiance of a thousand suns." Discuss the thematic significance of this phrase.
This quote is very significant, it shows the confinement and restriction of Laila's and Miriam's lives. Throughout Miriam's life we see that most of her childhood consisted of Nana telling her that she is nothing, she is not worth anything and the only person she's worth to is her Nana. The story states, "Learn? Learn what, Mullah sahib?' Nana …show more content…

She was excited that she still had something of Tariq to hold on to. She loved Aziza with her whole heart, but when she found out she was having another child, Rasheed's child, Laila was not as excited as she was for Aziza because the baby was not made out of love but by force. Laila still knew that she would love Zalmai because she was still her child even though the father was someone she did not want anything to do with. One lesson from Laila's childhood that she applies on her children is to get an education. She especially applies this to Aziza since she is a girl, Miriam and Laila teach her lessons from the Koran. Even though they have to learn in secret since Rasheed forbids them learning in the household. When Laila was younger, her dad emphasized very much that she needed to get an education. At the end of the story, Aziza and Zalmai are able to attend school. Another lesson taught to the children was that they will always be loved. Laila was always told by her father that she was loved very much. Laila translates that onto her children all the time, her and Miriam expresses it throughout the book ever since they were born. Even though Zalmai had the love of his father and Aziza didn't, you could tell that Aziza felt the love from her mom and aunt. Another lesson is to always keep trying, when Laila was younger she knew that her father loved him but her mother never had a real connection with her. But …show more content…

Miriam's mom died, she was given up by her dad ever since she was born even although she does get weekly visits from him. Miriam was also put into an arranged marriage by her father even though she was only 15. Rasheed, Miriam's husband, was very abusive and forceful to her. She also was never able to have children even though she became pregnant 7 times, all ending up in miscarriages. Laila experienced a good childhood, she had friends and a good family. Soon all her friends either moved away or died. Laila and her family were going to move away from Afghanistan until their home was struck by a rocket, her mom and dad both died in the house while she was rescued by Rasheed who cared for her wounds. She was than convinced that he would be the safest person to be with, so then they married. Soon she became pregnant with Tariq's baby but had to act like it was Rasheed's. Miriam and Laila were both abused by Rasheed if they did anything wrong. They both experienced difficult lives. The driver states "the story of our country, one invader after another... we're like those walls up there. Battered, and nothing pretty to look at, but still standing." Miriam and Laila are like the Buddhas, they are constantly receiving bad things one after the other. Miriam and Laila slowly falling apart, yet still holding their will. They both show how much they've gone through but what they are still trying to get to. Afghanistan has

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