
Symbolism In Bartleby The Scrivener

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In Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street is full of food symbolism. Melville nicknames his characters names like Turkey, Nippers, Mr. Cutlets, and Ginger Nut, all to introduce his theme of food and nourishment and the way he thought of their personalities. The nicknames of all three are based upon food, with Nippers most likely referencing either one to picks at food, Turkey being a fowl and Ginger Nut is a small cake. The narrator of this this story is the lawyer that hired Bartleby and it is about his mental deterioration though other people’s eyes. In this story by Melville, Bartleby is a legal copyist. Bartleby eventually stops doing anything he is ask and even gets fired but refuses to leave. He is passive but is also unyielding; never stopping …show more content…

When referencing the personalities of Turkey, Nibbles and Ginger Nut it could be compared to gluttons, they are described as being lazy and there laziness was most prominent after meals. Imbedded in this story are physical symbols that define Bartleby’s feelings of captivity and confinement. Such things as blank walls and privacy screens make it seem like his environment is that of constraints and something he could not control. Even in jail he would face the wall instead of the open court yard. Food was something he could control, he chooses not to eat because he can. Just like when he refused to do work or leave. Food also symbolizes life and strength, you need food to survive. But Bartleby saw it as something that consumes you and can take over his life. Some could reference this to money or geed. A little money is needed but too much could both cripple and kill you. Like food, money is needed in small amounts but if you overindulge in food it could kill you. But like the need of a money you need food also; because he refused to eat he

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