
Symbolism In Masque Of The Red Death

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“In Masque of the Red Death” , Edgar Allan Poe uses Symbols to show that no matter who you are, how rich you are, and how much you try, death will end you. People think that others dying is so rare it’ll never happen to them anytime soon, so they act reckless and careless Poe proves this in his story when he says, “Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence.” These people were celebrating and partying because, they were rich and they had the prince on their side. They hide from the poor and basically mock in their faces by celebrating while everyone on the outside is dying, this ignorance is what ultimately leads them to their deaths. Death is on a schedule no matter what you do you can not run away from the date of your death. Hubert demonstrates this in his article using the clock as an example “clock of ebony which symbolizes the structure of temporality underlying and terminating human activities.” Everyone has a set death date, given to them when they're born and it's pointless to try to hide and run away from it. The best way to deal with this day of death is live your life to the fullest try to make every day worth it and don't act cowardly towards it. Both of these quotes coralline with each other the Prince, who is ignorant, holds a giant party and ignoring his own people who he's pledged to protect when he stepped up as the ruler of their land, but, instead he hides like a coward from death and ignoring the problem by partying away. Even if you have a giant Castle to cover your cowardness, no matter how big or how much man power you have death will kill you. Poe proves this by describing the castle by saying, “This wall had gates of iron, the courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts.” The wall represents the status of the prince, the great wall looking so untouchable that god can not even penetrate it but, death is greater than this wall, it will triumph every obstacle because, death is bigger than life. Death is a rampaging Rhino that will push through all obstacles. Roth describes this when he describes the plague like some type of invader trying to pry itself inside. “Red Death is

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