
Symbolism In The Birthmark

Decent Essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism, characterization, and imagery within “The Birthmark” to caution his audience against obsession with perfection. Hawthorne’s most effective technique for these purposes is symbolism. Hawthorne writes that Alymer dreamed that he attempted to cut off Georgina’s birthmark and “…the deeper went the knife, the deeper sank the Hand, until at length it’s tiny grasp appeared to have caught hold of Georgina’s heart; whence, however, her husband was inexorably resolved to cut or wrench it away” (Hawthorne 420). This dream is symbolic of both the fact that imperfection is part of what makes humanity human and the astonishing ease with which humanity allow their obsession to cloud their judgment. The symbolism with the …show more content…

Hawthorne writes “He [Alymer] was as pale as death, anxious, and absorbed, and hung over the furnace as if it depended upon his utmost watchfulness whether the liquid…should be the draught of immortal happiness or misery. How different from the sanguine and joyous mien he had assumed for Georgina’s encouragement” (Hawthorne 426-427)! Alymer, as shown, used to be a happy and lively person. His obsession with perfection, however, has changed his characterization from that of a happy person to that of a madman obsessed with completing his task despite its potential cost. Alymer is used by Hawthorne as an example of what can happen when someone becomes obsessive. Alymer is shown to have become a slave to his work, hanging over the furnace as if his life depended upon it, at the cost of his happiness. Imagery is the last technique used by Hawthorne to demonstrate that obsession, no matter what is being obsessed over, leads to great loss. Hawthorne writes “As the last crimson tint of the birthmark--that sole token of human imperfection—faded from her cheek, the parting breath of the now perfect woman passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband, took its heavenward flight” (Hawthorne

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