
Symbolism of The Boat by Alistar MacLeod

Decent Essays

“The Boat” written by Alistair MacLeod tells a story about a father’s life and how he lived as a fisherman. The narrator is an adult man who looks back on his life of when his father was still living because even though he got a university education, he now wants the life his father had. He expresses how his father always wanted him to become something bigger and better then what he became. The author, Alistair MacLeod, used many different writing techniques within this short story. The symbolism of “The Boat” expresses inevitability through the little hobbies the father/husband does through his boring routine life, obligation through the father/husband’s commitment as a fisherman to provide for his family, and imprisonment through his …show more content…

The father/husband has had to live a life of following patterns passed down by many fishermen, his life thought about university and a higher job opportunity was shot down. This story is strongly influenced by the traditional folk culture of Cape Breton. 1 A university degree was never an accomplishment in his culture; his father raised him to be a strong, hard working

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