
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Acute Kidney Infection

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During the second set of final clinical practice, I provided nursing care to the client with query sepsis and clostridium difficile as admitting diagnosis. The client had a history (Hx) of acute kidney infection (AKI) which led to dialysis. After resolving AKI, the patient went home, but soon returned to the hospital with severe diarrhea (5-6 episodes per day), confusion and symptoms of sepsis. Upon initial assessment, I found the patient oriented to name only, confused and lethargic, incontinent of urine and stool. The patient had bilateral crackles throughout the lung fields, gurgles upon exertion and tachypnea with respiratory rate 24-28. SpO2 level was within normal limits. The patient’s family reported that the current patient’s cognitive condition function was different from the baseline. The patient was difficult to arouse, with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score 12-13. The heart rate was within normal limits, strong, irregular. Bilateral edema 2+ was present in lower legs, skin was warm to touch, pedal pulses palpable. The patient was on caloric count due to poor caloric intake. The family was frustrated because of recurrent hospitalization due to hospital-acquired infection and very concerned about possibility of poor outcome for the patient due to rapidly deteriorating general condition. My primary concern was the possible aspiration as evidenced by gurgles upon exertion. I elevated the head of bed and made sure that suctioning equipment was in place and

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