
Symptoms and Causes of Heart Attacks Essay

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Symptoms and Causes of Heart Attacks

A heart attack (myocardial infarction) is the death of heart muscle due to the loss of blood supply. Usually, the loss of blood supply is caused by a complete blockage of a coronary artery by a blood clot. A coronary artery is an artery that supplies blood to the heart muscle. Death of the heart muscle causes chest pain and electrical instability of the heart muscle tissue. Electrical instability of the heart causes ventricular fibrillation (chaotic electrical disturbance). Orderly transmission of electrical signals in the heart is important for the regular beating (pumping) of the heart. A heart undergoing ventricular fibrillation quivers, and can not pump or deliver oxygenated blood to the …show more content…

Therefore, prompt CPR and rapid paramedic response can improve the survival chances from a heart attack.
A heart attack is caused by the formation of a blood clot on a cholesterol plaque located on the inner wall of an artery to the heart (coronary artery). Cholesterol is a fatty chemical that is part of the outer lining of cells in the body. Cholesterol plaque is the formation of a hard, thick substance on the artery walls which is caused by deposits of cholesterol on the artery walls; a process that begins in the late teens. Over time, the accumulation of cholesterol plaque causes thickening of the artery walls and narrowing of the arteries; a process called atherosclerosis. Plaque accumulation can be accelerated by smoking, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and diabetes. Ultimately, atherosclerosis causes significant narrowing of the coronary arteries. During exercise or excitement, the narrowed coronary arteries cannot increase the blood supply to meet the increased oxygen demand of the heart muscle.
Heart muscle that is starved of blood oxygen, a condition called ischemia causes chest pain (angina). Chest pain that occurs with exercise is called exertional angina. Exertional angina is reversible, and subsides with rest. Occasionally, for unknown reasons, the surface of the cholesterol plaque can become sticky, causing blood clotting. When a blood clot forms on top of this plaque, the artery becomes completely blocked, causing death of the heart

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