
Synopsis Of The Story ' Natalia Soto '

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1. His mother’s name was Natalia Soto, his father Luis Soto. His sisters were Sarah and Tina. They were twins and his parents tried to give them the whitest names possible. He was the oldest and got the short end of the stick since he was born before they caught on to the idea. Ni - slid from the tip of the tongue to the middle of the mouth, sat right in the center – co – like trying to spit his name out, get rid of his taste – lás – tongue flicking off teeth again, bringing him right back in. Nicolás, the oldest with brown skin brown eyes brown hair.

2. We lived in the same apartment building for as long as I could remember. Other people moved in and out but we never did. That summer, Mr. Jamison moved in and my room was right underneath his. Sometimes when I couldn’t sleep, I’d close my eyes to hear him shuffle around. He had a bad habit of keeping on his shoes in the house. Daddy said only white people did that. You’d never find a black man with his outside shoes on his clean house. Get some slippers! Wear some socks! But I liked when he kept them on, then I could hear him even better, the quiet stomp, stomp, stomp.

3. Iliana was in the room across the hall ripping up another pair of jeans in the name of punk. Her boyfriend was probably hiding under the bed since they didn’t expect us home so soon.

4. While my siblings and I were at school, my mother saw a shadow fly down the stairs into the basement. She told her white friend about it, probably telling her

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