
Synthesis Essay Example

Decent Essays

Synthesis Essay “It’s me, myself and I.”Some people say being in a relationship is healthy, while others say “being single is the best!” This dilemma of being single or in a relationship is a basic conception. I say being single is greatest nevertheless there are many limits that a relationship has, but not one’s own life. The benefits of a one’s own life are; the amount of money they have, the health status and the possibilities are endless. The amount of money from a couple’s to a single has great distance. Money is the one thing that makes us live in a warm home with warm food, warm clothes and warm showers. Amanda Macmillan Stated than “Married people are also more likely to have credit card debt.” Mrs. Macmillan also mentioned that one of the partners lie about bill issues. This money idea also shows the trust of each. In a situation where a one lies to another can lead to unhealthy bond with each others. …show more content…

Whether the ending be in a death or splitting up Dr. Cynthia Thaik expressed that it can”Greatly affect your emotional and mental state.” The body can punish or reward the host by lowering the immune system which cause the sickness chance to increase. Since that feeling of a broken heart can be a mere idea there is a case which is called “Broken Heart Syndrome” also stated by Dr. Thaik. This syndrome is a literal pain, because it literally causes pain to the brain and message the body a heart attack even though it is not happening. The breaking up part can result overall effect the people who were in

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