
Synthesis Essay: What´s A Technological Era?

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A Technological Era
"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important." -Bill Gates. This quote, said by Bill Gates, says that technology is just a tool, you may use it if your teacher says you can. Just because technology can give you the “right” answer doesn’t mean it is the right answer. Teachers are your best resource. During the years of 1970's to the present, Americans experienced new things and faced many hardships. For example, Americans faced a huge hardship on September 11th. This caused many people to be grateful for the shelter they had and security became very intense. In addition to 9/11, Americans also faced the Watergate scandal. People all around the world became very worried about government corruption. ("New Voices, New Frontiers..." Pg. 1277-1289). An important person during this era was Bill Gates because he was the creator of Microsoft. Furthermore, an event that had a major impact at the time on Americans was Hurricane Katrina. It caused lots of damage, many people died and thousands were left …show more content…

One huge impact that it had on society back then and even today, is putting intelligence to good use. Many people would still be using pen and pencils to write stories, journals, papers, spreadsheets, etcetera. Another major impact it has is the PCs. During this era, apple computers were just coming out and everyone wanted one. Bill Gates wanted that to change. When Microsoft came out, PCs became more popular because of what it had to offer. Microsoft also made Pcs more useful and more affordable. However, Microsoft saved Apple in the late 1970s. Apple was in deep, deep trouble. Microsoft signed a contract with apple stating that Microsoft would give $150 million to help them and promised to support apple computers with Microsoft for five years

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