
Synthesis Of The Iodine Solution Essay

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Introduction: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an important vitamin for a healthy diet. It is important in the growth and repair of tissue, skin, wounds, bones and teeth. It is also an antioxidant. Vitamin C is found in fruit juice and to discover how much vitamin C is in fruit juice, a titration can be performed. A titration is a lab method used to determine an unknown concentration of a solution by adding a reagent with a known concentration. The main goals of this experiment were to perform a redox titration and improve titration technique, to become familiar with the redox reactions with organic molecules, and to determine the amount of vitamin C in a sample of fruit juice.

Experimental: Part 1 of the experiment was the standardization of the Iodine solution. First, three ascorbic acid samples were weighed out to 0.10 grams each and then placed into a 250mL Erlenmeyer flask. Each flask containing the sample was then filled with 100mL of distilled water and the ascorbic acid dissolved. Next, 100 mL of the stock I2 solution was measured into a 400mL beaker and 150 mL of water was added and thoroughly stirred. A buret was obtained, washed thoroughly, and then rinsed three times with the I2 solution. Then the buret was filled with the I2 solution. 1 mL of starch indicator was added to the first ascorbic acid sample. An initial reading on the buret was recorded and then the titration began. The flask was gently swirled to mix the solution as the titration was

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