
Syrian Massacre In Animal Farm

Decent Essays

In the article, “Syrian Massacres: World Has No Appetite For Intervention,” published in the YaleGlobal on January 23, 2012, Fahad Nazer reminds us that power corrupts those who possess it. Thus paralleling Orwell’s same argument which is evident through Napoleon’s actions in the novel, Animal Farm. For example, Nazer reports that “For ten months, the world has watched in horror as Bashar al Assad’s regime carries out regular massacres against unarmed citizens… to quell unrest…” (Nazer par. 2). This example shows the reader that Assad’s heinous actions emphasize that power corrupts those who possess it. In the same way Assad’s massacre of the citizens is similar to the mass murders of the hens. Orwell writes, “The three hens who attempted

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