
Table Of Contents . Introduction.

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Table of Contents Introduction. ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Evaluation of Contract....................................................................................................................... 3-4 Elements of Contract…...................................................................................................................... 4-5 Valid Offer................................................................................................................................................ 5 Potential …show more content…

Despite the fact that providing widgets from private suppliers is highly recommended in the most situation for multiple grounds, my role is to examine and provide her different selections that would be more relevant and applicable to Gloria Smithson 's case. To ensure what best fits for her case, we will be testing a proposal that is coming from the same state as where Gloria’s business is currently located together with the remaining two proposals that are coming from other countries. Every proposal is supposed to provide a strong component as well as probable weak points. We will also advise that it is best to take thorough studies and analyze every component to ensure that we provide the best option for our customer. To begin with, we will evaluate if the recommendations we have in our hands constitute an offer. We also need to ensure that there must be a valid contract involved in order to be considered as enforceable. According to the textbook, (Cheeseman, 12/2013, p. 176), a “valid contract” must meet 4 essential elements in order to establish and maintain valid. The four essential elements are the following: 1. Agreement 2. Consideration 3. Contractual capacity 4. Lawful object Elements of Contract Agreement • Agreement is mutual assent by both parties • There are offers and acceptance involved • Offer must be well acknowledged by the offeree Consideration • Consideration is involved during the exchange of

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