
Taking Care of Your Skin Essay

Decent Essays

Our skin is the largest part of our body and needs constant care and miniaturization to achieve a healthy glow. First thing to healthy-looking skin is maintaining an internal regimen; drinking lots of water and eating fruits and veggies will keep skin nourished, moisturized and blemish free.
For body moisturize after taking a shower, and your skin will maintain its elasticity always feeling soft and moist. Facial routines require a little more effort simply because of exposure to the elements. Between the hot sun, the freezing cold, and pollution establishing an extra effort will keep skin in top shape. Starting a daily regimen will develop youthful skin at any age.
Cleansing skin morning and evening every day is very important. Find a …show more content…

It’s simple, just cut two cucumber slices about 1/8th “thick and apply onto eyes for about fifteen minutes. The cucumber will nourish the eyes keeping them moist and tight.
Exfoliating skin once, a week with an exfoliating mask will keep deep dirt out. Masks are a part of simple skin regimen, and are necessary for deep cleansing and exfoliating dead skin. Look for masks that are gentle and go with your skin type. Plan a hot bubble bath and a facial mask on the weekend before going out. If you have acne skin, exfoliate with an AHA or a BHA exfoliates. Look for a moisturizer that is good for oily skin and stay away from fried foods, and sugar. Many skin-care products on the market cater to Acne skin, using specialty products will help you get rid of this problem.
Your basic skin care looks like this: Day, cleanse skin in the morning apply toner, moisturizer, and eye cream. Once having applied these put a concealer if needed, light make up and pressed powder. Apply eye shadow, eyeliner and always take care of eyebrows. Finally apply lipstick and you are ready to face the day.
Night, remove all eye makeups with a gentle eye makeup remover. Cleanse face, and moisturize with night cream. Once a week use a mask and an eye treatment. Keep this up every day and your skin will have a healthy glow, and wrinkle free for a long time. Please note that if you are over the age of forty anti age moisturizers will help keep skin

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