
Taking a Look at African American Poets

Decent Essays

Who continues to ring bells when African American poets are mentioned? The legends who have influenced the path in which our ancestors fought hard to obtain in past generations. Booker T. Washington, Rita Dove, Richard Wright, Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes were a few among various highly influential poets during the 1900s. One of the biggest accomplishments of blacks today is that literature has developed from these African American poets. These individuals have set a tone and path to allow writers of any ethnicity to express themselves in various ways. Through poems, plays, novels, and alternative means of presentation, these famous African American poets are still being presented through present work. African American poet, Booker Taliaferro Washington, born in Virginia April 5, 1856 to November 14, was not only an author, but the educator of his time. Washington excelled in education at Hampton and later used the skills to further his aspirations. With these skills he founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute on the Hampton model in the Black Belt of Alabama. Becoming the spokesman for these organizations, Washington was able to convince employers of the Caucasian ethnicity that these programs would keep blacks on the farm to work. In reality, this idea would enable blacks to escape, have goals, and be free. From these ideas, Washington was able to make the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute one of the best support systems for African American

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