
Taking a Look at UAV Ideology

Decent Essays

UAV Background It is not widely known that the UAV ideology began long before the GWOT, but in the past two decades the UAV has become more of a reality with widespread uses. “In February 2001, the first hellfire missile was tested from a predator UAV” (Callam, 2010 para. 7). As everyone who is old enough can remember that later in 2001 the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 jolted the U.S. into the GWOT. The demand for unmanned systems skyrocketed because of the challenging battlefields that U.S. forces found themselves fighting in. Through the advancement of the GWOT over the past decade and a half the UAV ideology has thrived and demonstrated its roll in the military fighting force through surveillance and reconnaissance, attack missions, and through cargo transportation. Although the attack roll of the UAV has been widely publicized, scrutinized and is the face of modern warfare, as we now know it today, UAVs have shown a promising niche in the civilian realm as well. As reported by (2013) the U.S. Marine Corp has been utilizing unmanned K-MAX helicopters in Afghanistan since early 2012 to deliver external cargo loads up to 4,500 pounds to their remote operating bases and since the program began the two K-MAX helicopters have delivered 3.2 million pounds of cargo (p.1). This type of technology enables the military to eliminate many hazards and unnecessary risks of resupply by removing ground convoy operations as well as aerial resupply with piloted

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