
Tale Of Two Cities Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Written in 1859, A Tale Of Two Cities is a novel about how love prevails even when war is pursuing. Love can be showed in multiple different ways, just like how scenes in a novel can be perceived differently by readers based off of how the author portrays certain characters and actions. In the last scene of A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens uses nonspecific and peaceful adjectives, repetition to portray sacrifice as a happy, beneficial action. A Tale of Two Cities foreshadows the actions of the characters throughout the entire novel. Leading up to the end of this novel the tone was dramatically serious, but in the end scene a thoughtfully tranquil tone is portrayed. This type of tone was conveyed through the description of a “peaceful, useful, prosperous, and happy” (364) life that the characters would have after Carton has sacrificed his life …show more content…

The fact that Dickens only uses positive and kind adjectives in this description exemplifies a major shift in tone. This shift shows that the sacrifice made will have a beneficial effect on lives of the characters. “Beautiful city”(363) and “brilliant people”(363) are used the describe a city that was before described in a dark and negative manner, which shows a change in the mindset of the Carton and the other characters. Since Carton supposedly has positive and tranquil thoughts before making this sacrifice the readers get peace of mind that the sacrifice will be helpful to most of the characters. This alters the way the readers look at the final scene of A Tale of Two Cities; allowing them to take a deeper look into the act of love that’s being portrayed. By only using nonspecific nouns the statement “They said of him, about the city that night, that it was the peacefullest man’s face”(363), allows the reader to be less connected

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