
Talst Drama

Satisfactory Essays

TEXT PRODUCTION SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Year 10 Pre-Lit Drama Unit A Tail of Love Buddy wonders aimlessly alone in the dog park, contemplating whether or not he should confess his love to Snowball, the cat next door. Meanwhile, Snowball and her feline lover, Nibbles, are discussing the textures of last night’s pilchard and jelly dinner, whilst cuddling and shedding their fur on their owner’s couch. Buddy finally decides to ‘dog up’ and admit he has strong feelings for Snowball. He runs to her house, but sees her and Nibbles licking each other’s faces in content. Nibbles sees Buddy outside the window and proudly strides out to confront him. NIBBLES: ‘Hey there stalker! What brings you here, outside our window, today?’ BUDDY: ‘Oh hey Nibbles… I …show more content…

Nibbles hears and starts to panic, as he isn’t sure what to do. Buddy doesn’t want to see her die, so he wraps his paws around her and tries to force whatever it is out of her throat. Snowball finally throws up what was choking her and Nibbles is disgusted to see it’s a fur-ball with chunks of food in it. SNOWBALL: ‘Buddy… you just saved my life! I am forever in your debt! What can I do to make it up to you?’ BUDDY: ‘I would be honoured if I could take you on a date to see the streets of Purth. Snowball hugs Buddy and agrees to go on a date with him. Nibbles is horrified and storms out of the house. Snowball and Buddy end up taking a holiday to Purth with Buddy’s

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