
Taos Hum

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There has been reports of weird noises in a small town of Taos, New Mexico. Many people can’t sleep at night, some want to rip their ear’s out. But many claim they hear nothing, and that people who hear it are bluffing.You are about to experience the Taos hum.
A variety of theories have been offered as an explanation, ranging from the mundane to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal. Secret government mind control experiments, underground UFO bases and everything in between have been blamed. It all started in the 1990’s when a man named Joe Mullins, a professor emeritus of engineering at the University of New
Mexico, conducted research into the Taos Hum. Based on a survey of residents, about 2 percent of the general population was believed to be “hearers” those …show more content…

Most importantly, its very existence seemed to disturb their psychological equilibrium. Many felt
“singled out” by a phenomenon that was clearly “unnatural” .Many scientist have come from around the United States to come see this so called Taos Hum, but nothing was recorded and it all led to the same thing, Nothing.Before all this happened many Citizens have protested and have gone to the the american congress seeking their help to investigate more into the mysterious noise. In fact, it was so common that the good citizens and sufferers banded together in 1993

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