
Target Industry Outlook

Decent Essays

Industry Outlook Target’s industry is the retail industry. The overall outlook for this industry is positive. According to Nielsen’s Global Consumer Confidence Trend Tracker, the industry is looked upon in a “cautiously optimistic” fashion, especially in North America. In 2013, the industry was not doing very well (only 70% of retailers claimed to be as optimistic then as the 82% of retailers who feel that way now), but it has since recovered. Holiday season accounts for a large percentage of retail sales, and retailers are expecting an average increase of 6% in sales this year compared to 2014 sales numbers. This increase is driven by the popularity of online discounts. Brick-and-mortar retailers are not expected to be as successful as …show more content…

was originated in 1962. Throughout the years target has grown and was able to establish several other sister stores; Target Greatland and Super Target. Since the first day target opened its doors they had the vision of allowing their customers to “expect more and pay less”. Going against their competitors they need to be sure to present something no other could. Over time, Targets success had placed them in the “Big 3” (The top 3 U.S. discount retail stores), putting them against Wal-Mart and Kmart. After years of success target has brought upon several other competitors, some being Costco, Big Lots, and Sears. Each division of Target stores sells different items. Their general merchandise store sells an assortment of food, perishables, dry merchandise, dairy and frozen items. On the other hand Targets Super Store sells food items as well as general merchandise; cloths, electronic and home décor. As of January 31, 2015 Targets total revenue came out to $72,618,000, while their operating and net income came out to be $4,535,000 and ($1,636,000). When we look at this in comparison to their number one competitor; Wal-Mart, we can understand while Wal-Mart remains above most, seeing that as of January 31, 2015 Wal-Marts net income came out to be $16,363,000 verses Targets …show more content…

profitability is worsening in different aspects. Over the past 3 years, Target has experienced a huge decline in Gross profit margin, net profit margin, ROE, and ROA. Though, in comparison to the industry, Target Corp. would be considered to be very liquid. For example, Target’s Gross Margin Present Ratio is 4.90 more liquid than the industry. I feel that Target Corp. has what it takes to be profitable in the industry because they are leading the competitors. Financial Risk Although Target also has interest coverage ratio information for 2015, the latest year that coverage ratios are available for the whole industry is 2014. Target’s coverage ratio in 2014 was 3.7, while the industry average in 2014 was 9.5. This means that Target has been paying its debts much faster than its competitors have which makes it a company without much risk in its industry. Although that number has risen in the most recent year, it appears to be well below industry average, so Target is still a financially secure company. Asset Management The asset management ratio we choose to discuss it the total asset turnover ratio. As of January 31, 2015 Targets total asset turnover ratio is 1.69 while their industry average sits at

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